Percentage Calculator

([originalvalue]+[percent]) * ([originalvalue]/100)
New value

Learn More About Percentage Calculator

CalculatorCrave percentage addition calculator can be used to easily add together different percentages. Simply input the percentages you want to add together and the calculator will provide you with the total percentage.

What is Percentage Addition

Percentage addition is the process of calculating the sum total of multiple percentages.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you add percentages together?

To add percentages together, you first convert each percentage to a decimal, add the decimals together, and then convert the sum back to a percentage if needed.

2. What is the formula for calculating the sum of percentages?

The formula for calculating the sum of percentages is: ((Percentage 1 / 100) + (Percentage 2 / 100)) * 100.

3. Can percentages be added without converting to decimals?

It is possible to add percentages without converting them to decimals, but converting them to decimals first makes the calculation simpler and more accurate.

4. Are there any special rules for adding percentages together?

There are no special rules for adding percentages together. Simply convert them to decimals, add the decimals, and then convert the sum back to a percentage if desired.

5. What is an example of adding percentages together?

For example, if you have two percentages: 25% and 20%, you would convert them to decimals (0.25 and 0.20), add them together (0.25 + 0.20 = 0.45), and then convert the sum back to a percentage (0.45 * 100 = 45%).

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